Wednesday 30 April 2008

Peripheral.. It begins

So, with the title in mind and a small clutch of notes I will set about constructing the proper back stories and foundations of this. I have decided (at least for the time being) that this project will be a novel (I can always modify to a script later).

General plan is to try and knock together 10 - 20 pages of text over the course of a week, giving me a minimum of 260 pages within 6 months - I am aiming for around 300 - 400 in total.

I have spent a portion of my time this week fiddling with this site and trying to get some of the features working so hopefully this is now in place and I can concentrate on the main job in hand.

OK, thanks for visiting and I will keep you posted.


PS - GTA4 was great btw - in case anyone was interested :O)

Tuesday 29 April 2008

A book by any other name....

So here are the thoughts on the first book/project. These are the scores of ideas that I have mused and distilled down to this list of three. Excuse the vague descriptions but, hey, I don;t want anyone ripping me off before I have even begun ;O)

Peripheral - A possible game, movie or TV script or book :

Shadows and Sins - A possible book or movie :

A story about a man desperately searching for his lost family whilst dreams and visions grip his sub-conscious.

Pill - A possible book :

A look at the power and influence the drug corporations hold over our everyday lives and the dependencies we place on them.

So that's the selection at the moment. I have chosen to work on and expand the Peripheral idea at the moment (hence the reason it's description is left blank - for now). So the title of the project, at least for now, will be Peripheral. As to the form it takes that will be decided over the coming days. At the moment I just have a few pages of notes, research and plot arcs. I will reveal more on the premise and plot as time progresses.

I will keep you posted when I have more info to share. Please post any comments on the ideas and thoughts and I will take them on advisement.

Cheers all


PS - Needless to say that these ideas are copyright to me and any use it prohibited - k ;O)

Fit The First : A poor Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Reference

So here we have it ladies and gentle peeps - I am finally making a concerted effort to start writing my 1st novel.

I have mulled the idea over for many a year now and now, after writing my thoughts down to finally concentrate those efforts, I am setting forth.

I was going to toil and writhe in my own creative wallow for months on end and beat out page after page of angst ridden diatribe. Instead I have opted to share the despair and fruitless meanderings with you good fellows - that's based on the premise I am not just talking to myself.

So I will, over the next few hours / days, be revealing the proposed title of the novel. As I progress I will reveal elements of the plot, character and research. I will publicise my quest for a publisher (get ready for rejection city!) and ask you guys for help and comments in many different ways.

So there it is - the premise for this site, the justifications for my ramblings and a cry for help and increased meds :O)

Let's see where this ride takes us people.


PS A small fly in the creative juices might be the fact that Grand Theft Auto 4 arrived this morning and my PS3 is looking enticing......